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Laser welding machine maintenance–welding machine part

DATE:2023-03-24 14:45:09

  First of all, special attention should be paid to the fact that when the internal or external inspection of the welding machine is carried out, the power switch must be turned off before implementation.

1.Do a good job of testing on a regular basis. For example, check whether the cooling fan rotates smoothly when the welding machine is powered on; whether there is abnormal vibration, sound and smell; whether there is gas leakage; whether the cable joints and insulation wrapping are loose or peeled off; welding cables and wiring parts Is there any abnormal fever phenomenon, etc.

2.Since the welding machine is forced air-cooled, it is easy to inhale dust from the surroundings and accumulate in the machine. So we can regularly use clean and dry compressed air to blow off or remove the dust inside the welding machine. Especially transformers, reactance coils, gaps between coils, and power semiconductors should be especially cleaned.

3.Regularly check the wiring part of the power cord. Whether the screws of the input terminal, output terminal, external wiring connection part, internal wiring connection part, etc.

4.The long-term use of the welding machine will inevitably deform the shell due to contact, rust and damage, and the internal parts will also wear out. Therefore, replacement of defective parts, shell repair and insulation deterioration should be implemented during annual maintenance and inspection. Comprehensive repair work such as reinforcement of parts. For the replacement of defective parts, it is best to replace all new parts at one time during maintenance to ensure the performance of the welding machine.

  The above-mentioned regular maintenance and inspection can reduce the occurrence of welding failures. Although it takes some time and effort, it can prolong the life of the welding machine, improve the efficiency of the operation, ensure the performance of the welding machine and improve the safety. It is an important content that cannot be ignored in welding work.